The Morris Pumpkin Cottage
A Gourd-geous ArBOOretum Standout

This is . . .
The Morris Pumpkin Cottage, adorably adorned with the orange icon of autumn.
It lives . . .
At the ArBOOretum, as the Morris Arboretum & Gardens is affectionately known from now through Halloween.
It’s cool because . . .
All through October, the Morris—Penn’s verdant plant-research retreat in Chestnut Hill—is happily haunted by a friendly horde of pumpkins, gourds, and scarecrows.
About 1,500 pumpkins—3 to 4 tons worth—decorate not only the cottage but also displays throughout the 92-acre grounds, to the delight of seasonal guests of all ages.
Putting the boo-hiss in ArBOOretrum, more than 30 villain-themed straw figures will vie for top honors in the annual visitor scarecrow design contest. Frankenstein, Maleficent, and Edward Scissorhands are just a sampling of the not-so-evil entries you might see along the perennially popular Scarecrow Walk.
Get all the details at Admission is always free with your PennCard.