FAQs and Helpful Information
1. I am interested in using Penn trademarks on products. What do I need to do?
Products bearing Penn trademarks require approval by the University Unauthorized use of Penn’s trademarks is strictly prohibited and the University reserves the right to enforce the proper use of its trademarks.The procedure for becoming a licensee entails an application process that is managed by Exemplar Associates on behalf of the University.
Each application is evaluated individually and reviewed for several factors including, but not limited to, current business needs; demonstrated experience in the collegiate market; status of company with the Fair Labor Association; and, for manufacturers producing apparel, support for the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry.
In instances that applications receive approval, vendors will then be asked to sign a formal license agreement, provide insurance information, and pay any applicable royalty advances.
We invite potential applicants to contact Exemplar Associates’ account executive for the University:
Rick Merriam, Founder
Exemplar Associates
Telephone: (616) 212-9593
E-Mail: rick@exemplarassociates.com | Website: www.exemplarassociates.com
2. What marketing factors should I consider before applying for a license?
Licensees should carefully consider factors such as their goals, business plans, and overall approach to their target markets to make a determination as to whether a license with the University is something that they wish to pursue. Please note that licensees, existing or prospective, should not assume that the University will take an active role in facilitating their business endeavors, or that business from University departments will ensue as a result of the license being granted.
3. Is there are relationship between becoming a licensee and having products sold at the Penn Bookstore?
The processes are completely separate. Becoming a licensee does not imply or influence the likelihood of becoming an approved vendor by B&N or placement in the Penn Bookstore. However, if the products are intended to bear the Penn trademarks, becoming licensed by the University is prerequisite.
4. Can my school/center/department/student organization provide blank apparel items to a licensed supplier for decoration using the Penn brand.
No. Trademark-bearing merchandise ordered to represent the University of Pennsylvania entities (commonly referred to as "promotional products") must be ordered directly from one of Penn's licensed suppliers. Penn's licensees are accountable for maintaining practices that comply with applicable legal guidelines, adhering to ethical and environmental principles, and upholding workplace standards that promote full, productive, and freely chosen employment. This includes the responsibility for sourcing blanks from approved manufacturers and brands.